Thursday 9 February 2012

Things you should know....

  • We are pleased to announce that that the Playground Committee has made the decision to use Habitat Systems Inc. for our design and equipment. More info and pictures to come at the end of February! Now the job of raising funds really starts. Email to find out how you can be involved. This is your children’s future community playground/park.
  • Kids Swap (Buy and Sell) – We made $439.81 towards the playground!
  • Due to parents asking “Pennies for Playground” is now Loose Change for Playground” bring in those coins!!
  • Get in the Spirit during Spirit week!!Monday - PJ Day
    Tuesday  - Red,White, PInk Day and Talent Show
    Wednesday - Wacky Hair day
    Thursday  - Jersey Day and Skating
    Friday - Pro D day

  • You can keep connected with events and info by:

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