Wednesday 22 February 2012

NEWS NEWS NEWS...Read it while it's hot!

Remember you're off lunch duty on Friday!  Booster Juice is saving the day. You're more than welcome to come help put smiles on those faces at lunchtime and deliver the food to the classrooms (and eat with your kids if you like).

Coupon Book
Today you will have received an envelope with a coupon book for the Chilliwack/Sardis Area. (There is an Abbotsford/Mission one available as well)  We are asking that your family work together to take orders for the books. All order forms must be back to the school by Friday March 9th with all the money you have collected. We will then fill the orders and send them home with the eldest child for you to distribute. There have been rave reviews from parents in our school about these little booklets and how fast you save what you spent for it.
Safer School Committee
The Safer Schools Committee works together with the city, RCMP and the school district to make the roads around our school a safer place for walking, riding to and from school and parking.  We are looking for 2 or 3 more parents to join the committee. The commitment would be to attend 2-3 meetings and to give your input. If you are interested please contact Michelle Dick at or 604-615-5075.
Fun Fair
This year our Fun Fair will be on May 25th. We are looking for volunteers for all areas. We need a few people to head up a few areas. If you are interested in heading up Food, Games, or Prizes please contact Michelle Dick at or 605-615-5075. We are also looking for business to sponsor the event so if you know of any or would like to hand out letters again be in contact with Michelle Dick.
Juice Boxes
The PAC will be collecting juice boxes from the classrooms once a week to recycle and the money will go towards the playground. Please ask your kids to put their boxes in the designated bins within their classrooms. If anyone would like to help with collection please contact Michelle Dick at or 604-615-5075.
The Playground committee has made a decision to work with Habitat to create our new playground. The playground is a huge investment and we believe will be an incredible asset to our community. There will be more info coming once we have the final drawings from Habitat.

Next PAC Meeting: Tuesday, March 13, 7pm

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