Friday, 8 March 2013

March 2013 PAC Newsletter

March 2013

Wow, March already. This year has been flying by for me and I am looking forward to some down time during Spring Break. I am also excited about the next couple months at Greendale Elementary Community School. The following is an update and a look forward to upcoming events.

Thank you

Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered their time to the many things we do here at Greendale Community School. It was much appreciated. We would not have the school environment we have if it were not for all of you.


The PAC has been busy brainstorming and implementing ideas on how to raise funds for the playground. The wooden playground needs to be taken out due to rotting wood and bug infestation. For the last year and a half we have been raising funds to replace this playground and to make it a great place to play for the entire community. The School District has been gracious and will wait until we have the funds in place to replace it, before they will take it out. But they cannot wait forever and they will not replace parts if they break or are unsafe. I am pleased to announce that we have raised $36,000 dollars so far towards the $65,000 we need. We will continue to run events and fundraisers as well as apply for grants.

The School District has also allowed us to use their charitable donation number when collecting donations. So if you or a company would like to donate funds please make your cheques out to SD #33 and they will be able to issue tax deductible receipts.

We have approximately 100 families in our school and I figured that if each family pledged $29 a month for the next 10 months we would have raised the amount needed to install our new playground. Just a dream.J There are pledge forms at the front office of the school. (We also will accept all your unwanted pennies)

Coming Events and Fundraisers

There are many fun events coming our way. In April we are having our second Mr. Q Fun Run. There will be a 5K walk/run or a 10K run. May 31st is this year’s Fun Fair. Both these events will need volunteers so please mark them on your calendar. These events raise money but also are a great community building time. We also will be once again sending out Neufeld Farms and the Plant Sale Forms in April. Watch for these and stock up!

Mrs. Neufeld

We have to say goodbye to an incredible school secretary and amazing person at the end of March. Mrs. Neufeld will be retiring. We will all miss her cheerful smile and hello and how she kept the school running. We appreciate all that she has done over her many years at Greendale Elementary Community School. Thank – you Mrs. Neufeld!


Keep informed at and on Facebook at Greendale PAC

Come on out to the PAC meetings or send an email to with any questions, concerns, comments or ideas.

Next PAC Meetings: Tuesday, March 12, 7pm and Thursday, April 11, 8:30am.


Wednesday, 6 March 2013

The next PAC meeting is on Tuesday, March 12th at 7pm at the school. The agenda can be found on the right hand side of the blog under PAC agendas.