Wednesday, 6 November 2013

PAC Meeting November 7th at 7pm. Meeting at the school!

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Next PAC Meeting is November 7th at 7pm. Location change due to Little Beetle Bistro being closed in the evening.
Meeting at the school library!!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

September 28th 9am-4pm

To ensure we achieve the maximum $6000 from FORD we need you to help!

There are two ways:

1.    Sign up to drive 1 of 8 brand new FORD vehicles. It will only take about 15 minutes of your time.

2.    Sign up to help register drivers, help set up in the morning 8am or tear down at 4pm, help set up the BBQ lunch and serve.

OR Sign Up for Both!!
I will register drivers:  (Circle)     9-10         10-11        11-12        12-1         1-2         2-3        3-4
I will help set up at 8am   (Check)   ______
I will help tear down at 4pm (Check)   ______
I will help with the BBQ: (Check) ________   (Circle)      10-11       11-12         12-1
Email: ______________________________________

Can you spare 15 minutes?

September 28th

Chilliwack FORD is running the

Drive 4 UR school event along with Greendale PAC to raise funds

towards Phase 2 of the new playground. All you have to do is sign up for a 15 minute time slot or show up on September 28th and test drive  1 of 8 brand new FORD vehicles. FORD will then give $20 dollars to the school. This is not a sales event. You must be 18 years old and have a

valid driver’s license. One driver allowed per address. You may use your relatives’ addresses so that

more than one driver can participate.


Drive 4 UR School Event: 9am-4pm

Playground Grand Opening: 10:30am

Welcome Back BBQ: 11am-1pm

A big thank you to all the people who helped raise funds and donated funds

to the new playground. Thank you to

our supporters through Grants: The Chris Spencer Foundation, City of Chilliwack and the Chilliwack Foundation.

And so it begins….

WELCOME! To all of you returning to Greendale Elementary, whether student, parent, staff or volunteer. And a SPECIAL WELCOME to all of you new to Greendale Elementary Community School!


Greendale Elementary is a wonderful environment in which our children can learn and grow. As parents, we have the opportunity to support our child’s learning not only by helping and encouraging them at home, but by being an active participant in their learning environment. This can be done simply by being aware of what’s happening at our school, providing input and ideas, volunteering, or just getting to know other parents and staff.


The Parent’s Advisory Council (PAC) in Greendale is made up of…YOU! We encourage you to be curious and come to our first meeting on Thursday, September 12 at 7pm at Michelle Dick`s house (5553 Blackburn Rd) for an informal Dessert Night. You can sit and listen, provide input or raise your hand – we don’t mind – just come on out!



Coupon Book Sale – Sept 6 - 23

Meet the Teacher Night – Sept 11 7pm-8pm

PAC Dessert Night – Sept 12 7pm at Michelle Dick’s

(5553 Blackburn Rd)

Terry Fox Run – Sept 26

Drive 4 UR School - Sept 28 9am -4pm

Welcome Back BBQ – Sept 28 11am-1pm

PAC Budget Meeting – Oct 3 8:30am


Coming Fundraisers:

Gift Cards

Neufeld Farms


Christmas Cookie Social

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The school year's last PAC meeting minutes can be found on the right hand side of the page under PAC Meeting Minutes.

Our first PAC for the new school year will be on September 12th at 7pm at my house (Michelle Dick). It will be a dessert night as well as a abbreviated meeting.

You can also mark your calendar for September 28th. We have been chosen to be one of the few schools in the district to run Ford's Drive One for your School. That same day we are also planning on having a welcome back BBQ as well as our "Ribbon cutting ceremony' for the new playground.

 Have a great summer!!
Michelle Dick

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Last PAC meeting of this school year tomorrow morning, June 6th at 8:30am. Meeting Location changed to Little Beetle Bistro on South Sumas Rd.

Meeting agenda is found under Agendas on the right hand side of this page as well as last months minutes.

Fun Fair 2013


Friday, 8 March 2013

March 2013 PAC Newsletter

March 2013

Wow, March already. This year has been flying by for me and I am looking forward to some down time during Spring Break. I am also excited about the next couple months at Greendale Elementary Community School. The following is an update and a look forward to upcoming events.

Thank you

Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered their time to the many things we do here at Greendale Community School. It was much appreciated. We would not have the school environment we have if it were not for all of you.


The PAC has been busy brainstorming and implementing ideas on how to raise funds for the playground. The wooden playground needs to be taken out due to rotting wood and bug infestation. For the last year and a half we have been raising funds to replace this playground and to make it a great place to play for the entire community. The School District has been gracious and will wait until we have the funds in place to replace it, before they will take it out. But they cannot wait forever and they will not replace parts if they break or are unsafe. I am pleased to announce that we have raised $36,000 dollars so far towards the $65,000 we need. We will continue to run events and fundraisers as well as apply for grants.

The School District has also allowed us to use their charitable donation number when collecting donations. So if you or a company would like to donate funds please make your cheques out to SD #33 and they will be able to issue tax deductible receipts.

We have approximately 100 families in our school and I figured that if each family pledged $29 a month for the next 10 months we would have raised the amount needed to install our new playground. Just a dream.J There are pledge forms at the front office of the school. (We also will accept all your unwanted pennies)

Coming Events and Fundraisers

There are many fun events coming our way. In April we are having our second Mr. Q Fun Run. There will be a 5K walk/run or a 10K run. May 31st is this year’s Fun Fair. Both these events will need volunteers so please mark them on your calendar. These events raise money but also are a great community building time. We also will be once again sending out Neufeld Farms and the Plant Sale Forms in April. Watch for these and stock up!

Mrs. Neufeld

We have to say goodbye to an incredible school secretary and amazing person at the end of March. Mrs. Neufeld will be retiring. We will all miss her cheerful smile and hello and how she kept the school running. We appreciate all that she has done over her many years at Greendale Elementary Community School. Thank – you Mrs. Neufeld!


Keep informed at and on Facebook at Greendale PAC

Come on out to the PAC meetings or send an email to with any questions, concerns, comments or ideas.

Next PAC Meetings: Tuesday, March 12, 7pm and Thursday, April 11, 8:30am.


Wednesday, 6 March 2013

The next PAC meeting is on Tuesday, March 12th at 7pm at the school. The agenda can be found on the right hand side of the blog under PAC agendas.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

The next PAC meeting is next Thursday, February 14th at 8:30am at the school. The agenda is under PAC Agendas on the right hand side of this page.
See you all there:)

Raise the Dough

Raise the Dough is this Thursday, Friday and Saturday!!
Place an order for pick up or delivery any of those days and a percentage of it goes back to your school. The class with the most money raised will receive a free pizza party! Please hand in the paper that was provided to you through the friday folders with your child's name, teacher's name and the name of our school. If you no longer have that paper, hust write it on a blank piece of paper and hand it to the driver or the person at Dominos in Vedder when you pick up.
Happy Pizza Eating!!

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

January PAC Minutes can now be found on the righthand side of this page under PAC Meeting Minutes.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

School Lunch February 22nd

School Lunch Forms are coming home this friday. Please return them on Monday February, 4th.
If you have lost yours or need extra ones you can find the form on the right handside of this page under School Lunch. Pam Hildebrand is in need of parent volunteers to hand out the lunches on Feb.22. If you can come please meet at the school at 11:15. It takes about 20 minutes to half an hour. If you can make it please contact Pam trough the Greendale PAC email-

Friday, 18 January 2013

Safer School Community Meeting

The School Road Safety Committee, in collaboration with, Chilliwack Public Safety Specialist, Samantha Piper, ICBC, & the RCMP has set out to identify the key road safety concerns for our school. We are now in the planning stage to implement initiatives to encourage and enforce safer driving habits within our school zone.

With the aid of traffic counts, speed watch, and observations of behavioural patterns, it has been determined that speed is a major concern in our school zone. This, of course, comes as no surprise for those of us who live & play here.

We encourage everyone to join us on Monday, January 21, 2013 at 7pm
at Greendale Elementary for a meeting with the City Public Safety Dept. and an RCMP representative.

In order for change to occur, the City needs to see and hear there is strong community support behind this issue. If you have concerns you want to address or if you just want to hear what plans and ideas are in place to help us find a solution please come out and show your support.

We know that our greatest challenge will be to change driver behaviour but, we believe that with the participation and commitment from the City and most importantly, our community, we can achieve our long term goal of keeping all of our children safe.

As parents, we can help keep our school zone safe by teaching and reminding our children a few simple rules.


·       Always look left, right, and then left again before crossing the road.

·       It is important that children learn not to assume all drivers will stop. They should try to make eye contact with the driver.

·       The school parking lot can become dangerous when it gets congested. Teach your children to not run out in the parking areas.

We want everyone to be able to enjoy a safe school and playground environment and look forward to seeing all of you at the meeting.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the following people:


Samantha Piper  Public Safety Specialist | Engineering
P: 604.793.2766  or E:


Candace English   School Road Safety Chair


Monday, 7 January 2013

Welcome back! PAC meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday January 7th at 7pm. Agenda can be found to the right under PAC Agendas. If you have anything to add please email