Friday, 21 December 2012

Raise the Dough is tonight! Order Pizza from Dominos in Vedder and let them know you are from Greendale Elementary (also give them your child's teacher's name) and a percentage comes back to the school. Also the class with the most amount ordered receives a pizza party! Great night to celebrate Christmas break. Invite family and friends over and have a party!!
December Minutes available for reading under the PAC Meeting Minutes Heading on the right side.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Assembly at the school on Friday, December 21 from 12:30- 1:30.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Early Dismissal - December 13th and 14th 12 noon!
Parent Teacher Conferences each afternoon!
December PAC Meeting - Tomorrow, Dec 13 at 8:30!

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Cookie Extravaganza 2012

Cookie Extravanganza/Sale

We raised $595.40 towards are playground!! Thanks to everyone who baked and bought:) Let's do again:)